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Benefits of Removing Roofing Layers

Hidden Roof Damage Revealed By Removing All Layers Of Roofing

Benefits of Removing Roofing Layers

Many homeowners with roof damage attempt to save money by covering the old roof with a new layer of shingles. In the short run, that’s a quicker and less costly option than a roof replacement; but in the long run, residential roof repair might be more expensive than a replacement. The reasons why include hidden damage, roof decay, warranty and code violations.

Hidden Damage

Covering an existing roof with new shingles is a tempting solution, but that only works if your old roof isn’t damaged. In addition, a new roof must meet residential building code requirements, which limit the number of roofing layers. When you cover an existing layer of old or damaged shingles, you are applying a Band-Aid® fix. That’s rarely a good idea. Quick fixes might work for some problems, but not for others; and they usually create new problems, especially when it comes to home repair.

Stripping the old materials away allows a roofing professional to inspect the entire roof structure for further damage. It also provides an opportunity for the roofer to reposition roof vents for better attic ventilation, thus helping your home to stay cooler during summer and warmer during winter.

Roof Decay

Simply applying another layer to your roof also increases the risk of mold, mildew, rot, and general decaying of roofing materials. Any moisture, debris, or pest waste that’s on the old roof will still be there under the new one. As a result, it is likely to cause further damage and decay, shortening the life of your replacement roof. Moisture problems can be especially costly and are likely to only get worse, with the additional weight of new materials.

Warranty and Code Violations

Numerous rules and regulations govern roofing contractors and the quality of the materials they use. To comply with fire and safety codes, roofing materials must meet strict requirements and be installed properly. Adding too many layers to your roof might violate a residential building code. It could even increase the risk of fire or other serious problems.

It is also true that adding layers over existing roofing might void warranties on the materials used in all the layers, leaving you unprotected if you were to file an insurance claim.

A reputable, residential roofing contractor will be knowledgeable and professional in helping you to choose between repair or replacement. If you have concerns about your roof and would like us to take a look at it, please call us at (509) 838-8633. We offer a free roofing consultation and free estimate. Spokane Roofing Company is the only local roofer to operate year-round, and we look forward to working with you.